Broadview Avenue Planning Study (BAPS)
Broadview Avenue Planning Study (BAPS)
In November 2013, City Council directed the City Planning Division to commence a study on Broadview Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and O’Connor Drive in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the local community.
The Broadview Avenue Planning Study (BAPS) was to provide an Official Plan Amendment (OPA) via a Site and Area Specific Policy (SASP) to guide development in the study area and brings forward recommended area-specific Urban Design Guidelines.
The recommended OPA and Urban Design Guidelines provide for the following:
protect views to the Don Valley and redesignate Gamble Parkette;
define the existing character elements of the street that should be reinforced and enhanced, along with direction for areas of the street that can accommodate change;
define links between Toronto's indigenous history and early industrial era with Broadview Avenue and the Don Valley;
recognize the diverse character of the street and the existing permissions while providing emphasis on the retail/commercial character, mitigating transportation impacts of new development and transition of new development to adjacent residential areas; and,
a maximum recommended mid-rise building height of 20 metres (six storeys).
A variety of street wall heights ranging from 14 to 16 metres with appropriate step backs are also recommended, and the identification of properties with historic attributes and the inclusion of these properties in the City of Toronto Heritage Register.
It is estimated that approximately 500 new residential units will be introduced in the study area over a period of 10 to 20 years.
New tall buildings are not envisioned in the Policy Area.
The BAPS outcome would have City Council amend the Official Plan, for the lands fronting on Broadview Avenue between Danforth Avenue and O'Connor Drive.
Four community meetings as well as four Stakeholder Advisory Committee meetings were held during the duration of the study. The meetings were well attended by 180 to 200 people. The feedback from the community meetings has been a major contributor in shaping the proposed Site and Area Specific Policies and Urban Design Guidelines.
The Official Plan Amendment dated April 18, 2016, was recommended for approval by Council, with three properties asking for, and receiving exemption from the current version of the Ontario Municipal Board.
Provincial Policy Statement and Provincial Plans
The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 2014 provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development.
These policies support the goal of enhancing the quality of life for all Ontarians. Key objectives include: building strong, healthy communities; wise use and management of resources; and protecting public health and safety.
The PPS recognizes that local context and character is important. Policies are outcome-oriented, and some policies provide flexibility in their implementation provided that provincial interests are upheld. City Council's planning decisions are required to be consistent with the PPS.
Built Form
Mid-rise development with maximum building heights of 6 storeys is generally recommended in the BAPS study area. However, modified mid-rise buildings with heights less than or more than 6 storeys can be accommodated in certain areas of Broadview.
New development will occur as appropriate on lots with sufficient width, depth and appropriate access for parking and servicing.
New tall buildings were deemed to be inappropriate for the area. A twenty-metre height limit will accommodate incremental intensification along Broadview Avenue, distributing density along the street that would be in good built-form proportion to the street's uneven right-of-way width.
The BAPS maintains that the “height limit with associated setbacks and stepbacks will set a benchmark for a cohesive built form as the street evolves and reurbanizes in a manner that is compatible with the existing form of development.”