Community Safety
Our community continues to pursue issues related to traffic and personal safety. We will post progress reports here. If you have any particular concerns please email and lets talk about it as a neighbourhood.
Quiet Streets Project
You will notice that following the COVID lockdown, some streets in Riverdale (such as Fulton Ave) were designated “Quiet Streets”. In May 2020, CHCTRA submitted an application to Toronto transportation for Chester Hill and Thorncliffe to receive this designation, but our application was rejected.
Speed Humps
The City surveyed Chester Hill Road residents about speed humps and the survey results supported them. The speed humps are scheduled to be installed in the fall of 2020. Since Fall 2018, CHCTRA has asked the City to canvass the residents of Thorncliffe and Cambridge about whether these streets should also have speed humps, but to date the City has not done so. We will continue to follow up with the City to survey your views on this issue.
CCTV at the Lookout
CHCTRA has been told by Toronto police that CCTV cameras have been approved and will be installed at the Lookout. The process is underway, but we have no firm date for the installation.
Car Break-Ins over the Summer
CHCTRA residents reported a very significant spike in car break-ins over the summer, with ownership and insurance papers removed from cars, as well as property damage. We have brought this issue to the attention of Paula Fletcher’s office and Toronto police. Please be aware that keyless entry fobs can be diverted to unlock your car even when the keys are safely in your home. A few safety tips:
Don’t leave valuables in your car
Always ensure your car is locked, especially overnight
Don’t keep your keys by your front door or in your home near where the car is parked
Store keyless entry keys in a metal box or container
Toronto Police have provided small signs to place in your car “No Valuables left in Vehicle”. Pick one up on the front porch of 24 Chester Hill